No need to keep up

At an early age we learn that we have to keep up. Keep up with the pace society sets as normal, keep up with the performance of other...

At an early age we learn that we have to keep up. Keep up with the pace society sets as normal, keep up with the performance of others. We get compared. By teachers, parents, friends. We get judged. People we don't even know tell us how we have to live our lives. We got told that we have to keep up to be normal, to fit in.

Keeping up became a disciplinie you're told to master in every situation of your life.

They make you believe that there is an age when you should start studying, because taking a gap year, longer than... yes, it's obvious, one year is wrong. It's for the lazy ones who don't have their life together. Or when you start studying you better don't switch subjects when you don't like it. And please don't study longer than the common number of semesters, because by that time you should start working, marry,... so you better have your shit together, be as fast as possible and try to keep up!
Who told you that life is a race?

Races might be fun sometimes. But to enjoy what you're doing you have to take time to embrace. Make stops at beautiful places. There often lies beauty in detours. And you might find treasures under the surface.

Because some years later we'll find ourself in our busy schedules and need to realize that we began to live like we had to keep up. We try to always dress ourselves according to the newest fashion trends, we build our lives behind a story book facade to show our perfect jobs and perfect families.

There is no need to make keeping up our lifetime goal. Instead, the moment you abandon the attempt to keep up, you will do things your very own way. Don't reach a decision with the fear to be too slow and stay behind. Life is not a race. It's no racetrack but a world full of hidden paths to explore. 

You have the composure to take the time you need. You have the ability to make your own decisions. I believe we should step out.

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